Tuesday, February 5, 2013

E.O.C. Week 2 Questionable Advertisments

Burger King Commercial Promoting Sponge bob themed kids  meals 
 I like Big Square Butts
This one makes me a little uneasy because its targeted towards kids and its a cute concept except the use of song choice which to me is a little raunchy considering the only lyrics really replaced were i like big butts to square butts. Plus i feel the dancers were just a little too much for this kind of advertisement not that their dance was provocative or their their outfits to raunchy i just felt that they could of just had the 'Burger King' dancing and it would of been perfectly acceptable.

SEGA advertisement for the introduction of the joy stick
Clearly aimed the gamer community before it was cool SEGA's advertising introduction was just a touch too much for what i like to call the outside community had they stumbled upon this they would have risen a few red flags and this one isn't the worst out of the bunch. The meaning although a little risky is clearly understood   and if your in the right frame of mind very funny and cleaver,but as i said if you weren't within that community(or frame of mind) it would be deemed unsuitable for the common public.

Kenwood Chef advertisement for their mixer

Wrong on so many levels,but apparently it sold cause nowadays you cant watch any cooking show without seeing one of these rather it be this specific brand or not. Anyways back to this clearly sexist ad stating that tired old saying;a woman's place is in the kitchen, but now thanks to Kenwood Chef shes got a little helper to speed things along. 

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